We’ve found that customer endorsements are very helpful in keeping our business thriving so that we can continue to provide service to the community. We would truly appreciate an online review from you!
Visit the site of your choice to leave a review or comment. Pick whichever one that you find easiest and most convenient.
If you are a regular Google user and already have a Google account, this is the preferred place to leave a review.
Lubbock: https://bit.ly/2QFdlkr
Post: http://bit.ly/2PEb7MZ
Note that Google requires you to show your full name on the review. If you wish to be less public you can use Avvo or Lawyers.com where you will be able to post your review anonymously.
Avvo is a legal site for consumers that allows login by Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn or your own email and it easily allows you to post a review anonymously.
Tray Payne: https://bit.ly/2URr8Tx
Lori Truitt: https://bit.ly/2A1EiEC
Enter the review, indicate whether to show your first name or whether the review is anonymous and then login by your favored method.
Lawyers.com is another consumer legal site that allows anonymous reviews.
Lawyers.com: https://bit.ly/2CiNiH5
Click on the “Submit a Client Review” button and fill out the form to submit your review.
Facebook requires a person to have an account before they can leave a review, but the review process is very simple once logged in.
Facebook: https://bit.ly/2ErTKwJ
Yelp also requires an account, but the review process is very quick once signed in.
Yelp: https://bit.ly/2Ez10I9